
Njtransit trains
Njtransit trains

Inbound and outbound trains between Trenton and Newark/New York have been temporarily discontinued and alternate routes are available. Right now only a third of NJ Transit trains have the required safety upgrades. The original deadline for implementation was 2015, but that deadline was extended to the end of 2018. It's been 10 years since Congress made the mandate calling for trains to have PTC. More info: /GtYGR2S4jU- NJ TRANSIT September 20, 2018 NJ TRANSIT will offer a 10% discount for all rail tickets/passes during Nov. 14th - early 2019, NJ TRANSIT will continue to accelerate the installation of PTC equipment along our system & make final rail service adjustments. After the upgrades, NJ Transit will have positive train control, or PTC, which uses GPS to create an emergency braking system that can prevent derailments and collisions. The discount will last through January, when the safety updates are planned for completion.ĭespite the annoyance these updates may cause for daily commutes, the updates are for a cause that could help make trains run more effectively in the future.

  • SEPTA plans new parking garage, upgrades at 69th Street Transportation Centerīeginning next month, fares will be cut by 10 percent for the inconvenience.
  • njtransit trains

  • You can get a free Uber ride to the polls this Election Day.
  • SEPTA denies petition for free public transit on Election Day.
  • Trains on the Northeast Corridor, North Jersey Coast Line, Morris & Essex Lines, Montclair-Boonton, and Main and Bergen County Lines will see changing schedules and reduced service beginning this week. The transit agency announced it is undergoing federally mandated safety upgrades to its rail systems.

    njtransit trains

    Plan for some changes to your commute if you're a regular rider of New Jersey Transit.

    Njtransit trains